Does anyone else have a grapefruit juice craving? I know you have to be careful with some pharmaceuticals and grapefruit juice. I don't think this applies to either of two I take. But when I buy a bottle of the stuff, I seem to have more than a moderate liking for it. I've heard of people eating clay to supplement nutritional deficiencies. Anyone heard of this with grapefruit juice? There used to be a cocktail with grapefruit juice and vodka in a cylindrical glass with salt on the rim like a Margarita called a Salty Dog, back in the 1970's, I got from time to time, but realized it wasn't the vodka but the juice I liked. I like many foods and beverages, but this has the feel of a sort of need. Anyone else? Any ideas on why? The juice I get is labeled "no added sugar" and "not from concentrate." I get a liter and pound it back in a day or two.