I really like the flavor of Granger it is interesting Codger blend that has been around for a long time with some history.
There is a website that sells it in 1oz bags, which is where I got some rather than buying the huge tub, but wouldn't be mad if I had picked up the big boy.
Granger burns well but can bite a bit if not careful. It has that old school Codger Burley blend taste but perhaps due to the process it stands out from the rest. Keep in mind I also like PA, SWRA, SWR, Peterson Aran, Half & Half, velvet, and pretty much everything in this category so far. Carter Hall would be the least as it is not as flavorful as others. If you like velvet and easy burning Codger blends then Granger should be on your list, but if you are looking for a fancy complex expensive blend then this would dissapoint.