Wow! I'm not a carver and your work explains why. I am a woodworker, though, and just posted the following in the Forum:
My fist tobacco, in 1962, was Dunhill's 965. I recently bought a tin and used it to make a clock. It is very easy to do and is quite original. (I would download a picture but don't know how. You can see it at on the "Woodworking 2012" page.) What you need is a drill and bit to open a hole in the cover for the mechanism to fit through, and a clock kit. Kits are less than $10 dollars and take a AA battery. Once the clock mechanism is installed on the tin's cover with the provided nut, you can screw the back and front of the tin together and hang it on a wall or create a stand for it.
I bought my mechanism from, but there are other sites. Email me at if you would like a plan of what I did. (If you know how to upload pictures on this forum page, please let me know.)