Damn, you like hitting the long ball, don't you?
Here's a few questions and maybe an opinion.
1. How old is this pipe?
2. How grungy was it?
3. How did you know that beautiful grain was lurking under the surface? You're too good to SWAG this.
4. Any fills?
All of my DGs have been 30 plus years old with nary a fill. Several were rusticated, to be sure, but all the smooth finishes had no putty.
Why does DG commit to the ugly ass red stain when they could really catch a smoker's eye - in addition to charging more kale - for something this lovely? I'm sure it's all economies of scale. In fact, just a spitball guess, how many hours do you have on this Zulu?
As always, a loyal customer and long time admirer of your skill set, brother.