I love and respect my grandfather very much, and not only because he left Koera at 16 with nothing and worked his way to a comfertable life for his family and a relaxing retirement or that at 82 he can still slap me upside the head hard enough to make me see stars ; but sometimes I think his old age is getting to him... I write to him every week and recently started sending out cigars occasionally because he lives out in upstate NY and there isn't anything other then Prince Albert and Lucky Strikes and he always wrote how much he loved the cigars; but then I visited him the other day and bought some pretty expensive cubans to smoke with him. I leave for a minute or two to talk to my grandma and before I got out to the porch I smelled the cigars and thought he started without me; but then I got to the porch and saw both of the cubans CUT UP to ribbons and my gramps repacking his pipe from the pile beside him. So I say ' What the hell are you doing?' and got one helluva slap upside the head. After words I explained that you smoke cigars whole, it turns out that he thought that the cigar shape was for convenient and compact packaging. He still maintains that cigar smoking is wastful anyway. I still smoked half of it