Being a B&M retail jeweler in NY, I feel very sad that any business closes. In NY, I am amazed that any tobacco shop can survive.
Just walking down the street in Manhattan and watching the faces of the young look at me in utter disgust shows the general trend, IMHO.
Harris, service is everything, well, almost everything. Loyalty that existed many years ago has been replaced with the need for the cheapest price, which of course, is the internet. I know this so well, in my business. People buy watches from Amazon or other on line stores, with no guarantees (from North America, often) and get the bands sized by us. When we charge a fee, many are flabergasted that we actually need to charge them for this serice. Unbelieveable.
With legislation the way it is, and the general public attitude, I'm afraid that tobacco shops (at least in NY) could possibly go the way of buggy whip sales.