Very nice! But I do have to say, accounting is your dream job? Not overpaid Beer Taster or Lingerie Critic?
I just have to respond to your post, Fnord. Mainly because I have several pipe smoking friends who are attorneys, including one who is a member of my local pipe club. I certainly mean you no offense, but it has been my experience with lawyers who have done business with me both professionally and personally (as well as my friends who are attorneys), that they are like any other profession. There are great ones, averages ones, and poor ones. With the US legal system now being as complicated as it is in all respects, having a trusted attorney nearby when help is needed, is like having a comforting pipe and tobacco at your side.'ve never met a pencil licking, bean counter as wickedly clever as you so I'm sure you're the anomaly. But please be careful. Most lawyers I've met are pretty stodgy individuals and I'm afraid your sense of humor will make them uneasy and edgy.
That said, I'm very happy for you. Grab a root and growl, kiddo.