Worth bumping this back up, in case anyone has NOT heard of the good people at Walker Briar works. I just got my stem yesterday, and not only is it stunning (simple black lucite 2 1/2 with a fish tail), but it seems to make my cob smoke better! To me, at least. The nice thing is it feels solid, and not cheap and tawdry like the vinyl stems MM cobs come with can. Moreover, I sent them a nice little email of thanks (hey, I was impressed!), and got a personal response back within an hour or so. On the start of a holiday weekend no less. What great people!
Cobs can definitely be work horses, but an add on like this can keep you from running your horse into the ground. o)
Cobs can definitely be work horses, but an add on like this can keep you from running your horse into the ground. o)