Wow! Thank you guys, I would have just let this go to being my fault. I just sent the photo to Marco 5 minutes ago and asked him for his opinion. I already got the response below. Talk about Customer Service!
Hello Mark, my friend
Thank you so much for your message and for reporting me about this my friend: what you say my friend is perfectly right, and this is the result of a sandpit under the surface of the bowl. The sandpit was between the walls of the pipe and the heath opened a crack on the pipe, but you don’t have to be worried about this my friend: I will include an extra pipe as replacement to this one inside the box of your next Moretti. Let me know what do you think about this my friend, I’m here at your disposal for all
Ciao, your friend
Hello Mark, my friend
Thank you so much for your message and for reporting me about this my friend: what you say my friend is perfectly right, and this is the result of a sandpit under the surface of the bowl. The sandpit was between the walls of the pipe and the heath opened a crack on the pipe, but you don’t have to be worried about this my friend: I will include an extra pipe as replacement to this one inside the box of your next Moretti. Let me know what do you think about this my friend, I’m here at your disposal for all
Ciao, your friend