one piece of advice is that cigs aren't more nicotine they're faster at getting it into your system. So one thing that might make it easier is if you reach for the pipe before you feel like you need to. Get ahead of the cravings. Also another thing that has helped some is to get a smaller chambered pipe and to smoke higher nicotine blends in it. Less time commitment and easier to repeat the process latter.Hi all, new to smoking forums. Been transitioning from cigarettes to pipe smoking since 2019 ish. Still haven’t totally cracked it but enjoying the journey.
I don't know if it's more prevalent or just we're more aware of it. I knew a few kids in my day that clearly were ADHD but just got in trouble a lot.Hallo and welcome from Ludlow, UK - and as an ex-cigarette smoker, I'd echo what @anotherbob suggested about high-nicotine blends and smaller pipes.
And his expressed opinion on the bane of modern existence. Why else is ADHD (and/or what people excuse in themselves and their kids as ADHD) so prevalent?
Lots of opinions in these forums, you see - some of them even useful![]()