saturday drove 160 miles to pick up my new Catahoula, a 1.5 hr trip turned into a 3 hr trip. The Geniuses of the Hwy shut down one lane for repair, evidently those SOBs don't work at night. Got at a Kennel and their was my puppy. We are trying a Female and out of 9 she was the runt. Didn't think she would that small, she could be a new breed a Catawowwowa. Ha Ha . Started back knowing it would bumper to bumper out of Baton Rouge. Crossing a small bridge I see my tire pressure light on, I had been hot footing the Tundra 80 to 85, BAM, blowout told wife never stop on a bridge , coasted about 200 ft from bridge. Called towing company, and Grandson who is staying at our house, come get us. He arrived as towing man was chaining up my truck, we were about 29 miles from home. Wife went with Grandson, they were waiting at my local tire store. Paid the man after unhooking, when we arrived my new puppy blessed our home by taking a long pee in yard. Got a cold beer, load of Nitecap and watched my new dog on porch. Last night we named her COCO, as she is tri color Brown with 2 glass eyes. It was a Good & Horrible day.