The cumulative absorbtion of nicotine that you mention is one of the things I enjoy with pipe smoking. I used to smoke cigarettes, so going from that instant hit to the slower process of smoking a pipe took some getting used to, but it is much more pleasant, once you figure it out.Since pipe smokers generally don't inhale the pipe smoke and rely on absorption through the membranes, the strongest pipe tobacco is pretty damn weak nicotine-wise compared to smoking a cigarette or throwing in a dip. The nicotine in pipe smoking is a different experience... it's cumulative throughout the smoke and creeps up on you, instead of all at once like shortly after putting in a dip, or when inhaling a cigarette.
As an experienced tobacco user, you'll be just fine with the strongest pipe tobacco, and might even find it lacking. Pro tip - burley blends are heavy on the nicotine and are usually pretty easy blends to smoke. Most of the "codger" blends are burley blends. My favorite of them is Carter Hall. Every pipe smoker should give the old school codger blends a try - Prince Albert, Granger, Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh, and so on. These blends are more Midwestern farmer than refined gentleman, and IMO they are quite enjoyable for what they are - a simple no-frills smoke.
Also the cravings disappear and morph into something more like anticipation.