marmal4de Lifer Feb 20, 2011 2,315 4 Richmond, BC Apr 17, 2011 #22 Hobie, you're the man, I challenge you to find a photo of a 'well-endowed' lady playing.. lacrosse!
greggors Can't Leave Oct 5, 2010 313 187 44 Mississauga ON Canada Apr 17, 2011 #23 I don't smoke during golf, people complain too much that it's distracts them from hitting the ball through the windmill.. nice hobbie, I wouldnt mind getting a hole in one with her.
I don't smoke during golf, people complain too much that it's distracts them from hitting the ball through the windmill.. nice hobbie, I wouldnt mind getting a hole in one with her.
fatman Starting to Get Obsessed Feb 18, 2011 141 0 Apr 18, 2011 #24 Hobie, w/members like her, your greens fees SHOULD be expensive.