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Can't Leave
Jul 18, 2023
Western NY
If the dollar loses all value, the metals will go to infinity - in dollar terms. There would be direct exchange of metals for commodities, 100 ounces of gold for a house or an ounce of silver for 5 cwt potatoes etc. Cumbersome, but until something gets worked out, that's how it might be.
That's not what I mean....
I'm talking apocalyptic scenario.
There will be no sales of houses, or any manufacturing.
Think...The Walking Dead.
And before you overlook this, it has happened on smaller scale MANY times...even recently.
Like after a tsunami or earthquake on small islands or in 3rd world locations, there is nothing, no stores, no car lots, no food production.
In some areas even today it can take weeks or months for dome of these locals to get back on their feet. And that's with the entire world of nations helping them.
In the 1850s there was a massive CMP(Coronal Mass Projection.. solar storm), called the Carrington Event. CMPs happen all the time, just small compared to the Carrington Event.
Experts say that a CMP the size of the Carrington Event could knock out power and electronics over most of the US. A larger one could impact entire hemispheres.
Even with today's technology, it would take years to get back to normal. The entire power grids would have to be rebuilt and every wire re-ran all over the country....all without power.
An astroid hit would be 100x worse.
A 1 mile wide asteroid would kill off 95% plus of all living things. And asteroids that size pass us all the time. More than a dozen that size have hit the earth over the last 4 billion years. Experts say there could be as little as 18 hours notice of an astroid that size coming our way.
Think nuclear winter over the entire earth for decades.
And then there is pandemic, nuclear war, polar shift and even the moon separating from our orbit.....which is possible, moons do that all the time.
Anyways, that's what I'm talking about, not inflation. :)
Everything I've mentioned has happened on earth. They were just before modern times. But they absolutely WILL happen again....period.
I have yet to hear of an expert that disagrees that one of these events could be catastrophic and earth changing.
Find another topic that ALL experts agree.
Do I fear any of this?
Nope, I'm here until I'm not, that's it. :)
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