Going Without A Pipe (Oh, The Horror!)

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Sep 19, 2019
Liplapper Lane (Michigan)
We've chatted recently about how long we can jokingly refrain from TAD/PAD, but how long have you gone without smoking your pipe? I don't mean quitting for a period of time in life. I mean putting it down for one reason or another ("I'm talking to you, flu!" [said in best Mr. T impression]) and not picking it back up immediately. For me, I think it was about 45 days after a nasty bout of flu/URI a number of years ago. I was pretty hesitant to do anything that might further slow up the recovery. Felt like coming home though when I did pick it back up again.


Feb 21, 2013
I have some stretches for what was maybe flu muted by a flu shot but that still required sleeping sitting up (last winter), dental procedures, and such. Luckily, I'm not put into withdrawal without nicotine. I just miss the daily bowl.


Feb 18, 2019
The first two weeks of this month I was out of town and had to leave in a hurry. I forgot my pipes and baccy so I went without the whole two weeks. I enjoyed my first bowl of MM 150 when I got home like it was my first time. What made it better was I had a P and C delivery when I got home.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2017
Fort Polk, LA
I went about six months last year. Life was too busy, weather too cold and I picked up cigarette smoking for a little bit in order to supplement. I kicked the cigs and slowly made my way back to pipe smoking since I took more pleasure in the act of smoking than that of the actual nicotine, not to mention my tolerance vastly exceeded the ability to get a buzz anymore.
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Apr 30, 2014
November often brings allergies here. Last year, I was down four months.

It was a lllooonnnggg-arsed winter.
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About two years, when I started up again McClelland was no more... ?
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Feb 21, 2013
When I'm not smoking my bowl a day, I certainly think about it, deciding which pipe and which blend will I smoke when I have the chance. Cigarettes, never. Cigars a distant memory, though I'd smoke one if I happened on it. For me, pipes are the ticket.


Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Im a once a week smoker so take that fwiw but I went about 3 weeks after my daughter was born. Just too damn busy and had to finger feed her with a tube for a bit so I didn’t want my baccy fingers all up in her little mouth.
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Sep 13, 2019
Guerneville, CA
I am a 3-5 day pipe smoker. Mostly evenings. Since I started 6-8 months ago I have stayed with that cadence. Can't imagine smoking less than that... more likely I'll be doing it more. I also buy at least 2 pipes per week. Hmmm... I might have a problem.
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Oct 22, 2013
At one point I went 6 months or more. I just didn't have the urge to smoke. During bronchitis season, I might go a month and not smoke. After my daughter's birth this April, I think I went over two months. One of the great things about an extended break is the palate reset. Everything is more vibrant when you've taken a break.


Nov 15, 2019
Spokane, WA
I smoke 3 bowls a day. We have a nasty weather spell every year sometime towards the end of January where the temperature hovers between -9 to -13 F for about 2 1/2 weeks. These cold spells often combine with a cold-steady-wind. At work, I don't want to go into the cold to smoke a pipe.

My smoking "shelter" at work is the parking lot behind the tire store next door. Where I work, we're a tobacco free workplace. I'm an engineer, smoking with the tire techs and their managers and clerks. Mostly, when the weather’s nice, we gossip and swap tales over a smoke. But, the shelter is no shelter at all. The shelter is by the back door of the building facing the wind, cutting you like a knife.

I don’t smoke a pipe during the cold snap. Sometimes going six or seven days without a bowl.

I manage by buying those round 4 mg nicotine lozenges and break them in quarters with my thumb. Each quarter delivering a 1 mg dose. Mostly I suck them for 10 or 15 minutes but there’s times when the pressures on when I can chew the dose for a quick pick-me-up.

Most people with a nicotine addiction at work dip, some smoke cigs or cigars in their cars. I dipped chew for a time but as I was promoted and called into high level meetings, I got tired of picking black specs out of my teeth. Chew in the tea bags never felt right, I'd suck and nibble, get a gush of spit and before you knew it became a slime ball that moved along the entire canal between my cheek and gum, occurring often during the most inopportune times.

I had such a difficult time giving up cigarettes that I don’t dare pick them up to get me through these times.

Today, I love my pipe and tobacco. When it’s colder than a well diggers ass, I patiently wait for the weather to break. Then, the ritual begins by me lighting the tobacco in my pipe. The three of us soon delight together in the fellowship of the realm! Then, life is at its best!
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Jan 7, 2019
I went for about a week last month when I had to go out of town for work.

I smoke about 1 to 3 bowls in the evening after work and I don't inhale. So, I really don't have a lot of worries if I have to go without for a while.
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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Two weeks and a few days when I had my gut rearranged in the hospital. In for two weeks, and then a couple of days at home before I felt like a smoke.
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Dec 22, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I’m a bowl a day guy, skip a day here and there. It’s my after work treat. Some evenings if I’ve got other stuff going on, I just skip it. I don’t believe I have the nicotine addiction as I don’t get any cravings, gave up cigarettes years ago. Still sneak one or two here and there.
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