Thanks for all the well wishes guys.
My urologist yanked the stent out on Thursday and the kidney stone pain is finally gone. The nurse was all set to stick some numbing meds up me but the doctor just came at me, grabbed the rip cord and yanked the fucker out. He says to me, you don't need numbing agents, you are tough. I wanted to slap him, but at least it is out of me. I woke up Friday morning got up and felt my back pain for the first time in like ten days, in all honesty it was a welcome relief in comparison to the stones. I still have some smaller ones floating around my kidneys, but after a ct scan next week the doctor will determine if they are small enough to pass or he may blast them with ultra sound as long as they don't get stuck again I will be fine. The lithotripsy they perform to blast the stones is a breeze.
Back surgery is all set for the 5th of March as long as my urologist gives me a clean bill of health. I do want to thank everyone who has posted on this thread. The forum has meant a lot to me and has helped me immeasurably in dealing with these physical problems. You guys are the best.