Going between jar and pouch

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Dec 29, 2016
You're going out for the day, or maybe even overnight and you fill your pouch with tobacco from your jar at home.
Do you put in a small humidification disc or soaked piece of terracotta so that when you return the unsmoked portion to the jar its not too dry?
What if you're going someplace like on a camping vacation for a few days, where bringing a jar is just not convenient?
I want to keep my tobacco in the best shape I can. I smoke an average of 1 bowl a day, but its usually two a day on weekends.



Feb 15, 2015
What comes out, never goes back. It is a one way ticket. If I needed to deal with it, it goes in a baggie or other storage container for tobacco in the active smoking pipeline. I like to open any jar as few times as possible. It is rare that tobacco out of the Mother-Ship gets too dry to enjoy, usually it improves.



Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
If I'm going away for 2 or 3 days I put the jars, pipes and accessories in a small luggage bag and dip right from the jar. If I'm out and about for the day I'll use a pouch and upon my return the contents go right back in the jar.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
I'll generally use a very thick baggie type when I am away for a day or two or three. I like the deep (long) type, and will fold the bag around itself for less evaporation. I do not pack a disk in. If it's too dry, I may hydrate it wherever I am, using whatever's handy, such as a damp tissue. I keep one bag in my car for "emergencies", and it keeps fine for about a week.



Mar 25, 2016
The smaller Ziploc freezer bags (not the regular sandwich bags) seems to keep tobacco in reasonable shape for several days or longer. Either grab a couple old empty tins for what you're going to smoke while traveling (and some extra) and put the tins in the bag ... or just stick the tobacco in the bag all by itself. It should be okay.
Though I doubt there's anything wrong with returning said tobacco into their respective jars when you get home, I'm more like jackswilling in that once it's out of the jar, it's out of the jar. But if you have a lot left over from the trip, it can always go into another small jar (I keep a lot of extra Masons and Balls around ... though it's a perfectly good excuse for saving old fruit preserve jars). I also keep a couple mix jars going (see the Frankenblend thread :wink: ), and sometimes trip leftovers just get stuck into one of these, where it becomes an exciting (or horrifying) new blend with other leftovers.
Remember it's only tobacco, not organic chemistry lab. :puffy:



Feb 15, 2015

No need to make a science project out of this

Individuals will do as they see fit

My mind is programed in three steps to the pipe, and again, it is a one-way ride.
- Sealed Tins and closed jars.

- Open Tins and jars

- And smoking containers/baggies/pouches



Feb 21, 2013
You'll get accurate in filling the pouch, and you can smoke up the residual with a little added from the jar at home as needed, or even mixing it with a different blend (use your judgement on what complements what). Mostly I wouldn't dump it back and forth, as a practice.



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
I fill my leather pouch with a pipe and roughly 4 days worth of tobacco. I refill as needed from my jars, and never dump it out of the pouch back into the jars.



Sep 14, 2015
Now that I have the beginnings of an actual cellar of tins and untouchable jars for bulk, I also have smaller jars and open tins for my current smoking rotation. For an extended foray demanding variety, I will sometimes take two or three tightly packed pipes of different tobacco tucked into my many-pocketed winter jacket in addition to a tin. In summer, or when no variety is required, I just take one pipe and an open circular tin which keeps everything perfectly fresh until smoked. If my current tobacco is in a rectangular tin, which generally has a poorer seal, I'll chuck what I need into one of the many empty round tins I keep on hand for rogue coins, screws, nails and various accoutrements. Simple and effective. Once tobacco leaves a jar or tin, it never goes back in except to the Frankenblend Jar. Aseptic technique 101. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 1, 2017
I don't give it any thought. Get what you need and close the bag or put a lid on the jar/tin. Usually the tobacco has just dried to my preference by the last few bowls of a tin.
If all that's available is dry tobacco I pack a bowl, cup my hand, and breath on it some. Helps when a pouch or baggie was left in the car to freeze dry overnight.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 7, 2015
I put back what doesn't get smoked. Usually I take out a bit more than needed and put it on a plate to dry some before packing. What's leftover I put back.
Why don't you put it back into the jar again?



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 29, 2016
Pouch has always been fine for me for a few days. For a week vacation, I usually bring a pouch with enough for the first couple days and an unopened tin for the rest of the time. Always works out well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2012
I am by no means a purist, nor am I that picky. Going away for a few day, I either pack a pouch, or take a small jar. When I return, anything left in either goes back into the jar. I'm assuming a routine smoking jar, not a cellar jar. My pouch keeps things in good shape for a couple of days, and a little dry doesn't bother me. But I'm a codger, so take it for what it's worth.



Jan 23, 2015
I put what I think I need in a pouch.

If I don't use it all up in my travels I finish it from the pouch over the next few days.

I don't return it to the jar

To each his own though for sure...personal preference. :puffy:



Mar 25, 2016
Why don't you put it back into the jar again?

Probably for no real good reason, other than for a logic that's close to superstition.
I kind of have it in my mind that I'm trying to, more or less, preserve the tobacco and its state as reasonably well as possible when tobacco goes from tin, pouch or bag to jar. When I put some of this into a tobacco pouch (when I still used them) or empty tin to carry, it's exposed to air (and dust and whatever?), gets dried out, removed from that state of quasi-preservation, and some quirky part of my brain re-catagorizes this portion as somehow contaminated. There's really nothing wrong with this tobacco. Yes, it could go back into the jar. Somehow, I just won't do it. :oops:
Sometimes, though, it's because my "carrying" tobacco is a mix. Now, that can't be split up and put back into their respective jars, so into the mix jar they go! :puffy:
Aseptic technique 101.

After over a decade of formative years in health care, I get how this affects one's thinking for life.



Oct 17, 2013
For daily carry I will throw a few flakes or a few bowls of loose cut into a GoTubb container. For a couple days I'll load up a couple choices into a few 125ml jars. Two of those jars fit perfectly into a beer can coozie for safe padded storage.

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