On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 12:22:06 -0800, Old Vagabond wrote
> Oliver Haddo was the main character in William Sommerset Maugham's novel
> 'The Magician'. The character was based on the English satanist
> Aleister Crowley.
[the REAL post - not the incomplete one that may show up as well...]
The novel was based rather loosely on Maugham's not very fond impressions
of Crowley, despite Crowley's hospitality toward Maugham. In fact,
Crowley made his extensive library available to Maugham, who turned round
and bit Crowley's backside with his "novel." Crowley responded, in his
own inimitable style, by publishing a small treatise demonstrating
Maugham's plagiarism throughout "The Magician." Crowley's vindictive
streak was legendary....
To call Crowley a satanist is somewhat misrepresentative. He was the most
infamous occultist of the 19th and early 20th centuries, certainly, as
well as an accomlished mountaineer, a scholar of eastern and western
philosophies, fluent in several languages, a master of several forms of
yoga practise, and a very vociferous and opinionated fellow. He was also
a dreaful poet...
He sought freedom of thought as the highest ideal, and fought against the
dominant paradigm of the time, which was quite oppressive.
Crowley was known to smoke straight perique, soaked in rum. Back in the
early F&P days, I tried this, and found it truly horrible. (No wonder he
was referred to as "The Great Beast.") But, it was the germ of an idea,
and became the inspiration for the blend "Aleister." It became quite a
popular blend.
When I reformed the business as GLPease, I couldn't let this blend simply
go to the grave, so I reformulated it, and gave it the name Haddo's
Delight. Maugham's Oliver Haddo was a despicable fellow, and probably
doesn't deserve to have a tobacco named for him, but the story was
amusing, and something about the connection seemed to be somewhat poetic.
Haddo's has taken on something of a life of its own. I was thrilled when
Bohemian Scandal began to take over the limelight, to some extent. I
wonder if it was Haddo himself who set that fire...