Our "rights", to use the term as loosely as some others have done, are usually restricted with reference to how they effect the others. I'm not sure this "right" to smoke should enable us to adversely impact the quality of life of others. I'm not addressing "health" in this instance. But, no one of us has the right to inflict the stench of stale smoke into other's residences or places of business. So smoking restrictions seem to be a logical recourse for those who prefer not to be exposed.
To conflate the argument a bit, you can't shoot anyone you wish with your pistol though you have a God given (Constitutional Right) right to own it. You are not prohibited from smoking in your own home. Of course those who buy a residence in an HOA with such a restriction, knowingly agreeing to such a prohibition, have more serious problems ... reading comprehension being one.
I believe the public has moved far beyond what science says about tobacco. The public, society, simply doesn't like it and is becoming more intolerant. Further, medical science has found nothing positive with regard to incinerating tobacco and then taking the carcinogens produced into the body so as to adversely impact the blood's ability to carry oxygen. For some, a few, the jury is out with regard to any benefits regarding nicotine. No matter how one conflates that argument it still arrives at the conclusion, nicotine may be proven useful in certain medical situations but, smoking isn't indicated in any treatment involving the use of nicotine.
Tobacco use is not a God given (Constitutional Right). And, as of now, isn't prohibited either. I understand it is easier to blame "Big something" and government than your family, friends and neighbors but, those people decide the agenda by who they,we vote for. The pols just want to hang onto their perks. Can't say I blame them. Don't like them, not a one but, they know how to get elected ... get votes.
Our, US rights, are guaranteed with respect only to what was enumerated in the "Bill of Rights." The "hated" Government giveth and taketh away as the Constitution has morphed, for some, into a "living", therefore changing document. And that, should you be a one issue voter, is the only thing a voter needs to know ... how the candidate stands on the idea of a so-called "living, changing" Constitution which means there are no ground rules as the rules will now be ever changing and, possibly "the tyranny of rule by majority" (always to be abhorred, will take over our "Democratic Republic."
I suspect "the tyranny of majority rules" could lead to the total demise of tobacco use.
Hopefully, I've worded this carefully enough to avoid a "train wreck." I suspect not. So, apologies to all.