The one thing good about this post, is that it sheds light on how Germain’s blends, aren’t the Lost Ark, everyone should be dying for, as if they are the best.
But, that brings us to the subject of ‘Best’. After all, why has the world been chasing after blends like these, because people have thought for far to long, they were either the best, or one of the best you’ll want to get a hold of.
While, so many of these people, might not of stopped to realize, that this is subjective, based on tastes, and that there is no such Best, it’s all a personal preference.
So hopefully now, it will finally be a lesson to of learned, for those that were not aware, or especially the new/newer pipe smoker, finding themselves sucked into this Fantasy Unicorn World.
Even in life, for so many consumers goods, I read and see people asking all the time;
Which is the best one? And I always respond, there is no best, and that depends on your needs and no one elses.
So remember our Pipe brethren;
Taste is in the beholders tongue, and there is no best tobacco, it’s whatever you like!