I spent five and half years in the USAF as a pharmacy technician. The recruiter advised me that it would be an easy job, working in air conditioned hospitals nine to five. Trust me, it was nothing like that! I was assigned to World Wide Mobility status where I had to have two bags packed and ready to go anytime. One was for cold weather and one was for hot. When the call came it was, "Get down to the flight line with your "B" bag." You kiss the wife goodbye not knowing where you are going or when you will be back. It was hard enough with just me and my wife. I don't know how we would have done it with children, but I know thousands of service men and women do this all the time. Are you ready to make sacrifices like this? Think carefully. I witnessed many marriages fall apart from the strain.
On the other hand, any medical related career choice is a good one, but consider getting your training civilian side. Four years of your family's life is a large price to pay for vocational training.
I'm not too worried about foreign holding companies owning businesses. They're in it for the investment. It's a world economy now. There is no turning back.
By the way, have you ever tried Suntory Whiskey? Ecchhh! When I was stationed in Japan a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label was your ticket to anywhere =)