From your description of your experience of a sour and nasty pipe that refuses to stay lit, it sounds like you haven't packed the tobacco in properly for a smooth draw. You are either packing far too tight, or too loose or managing both in the same bowl

. It will simply take practice to get the pipe packed properly, there really aren't any shortcuts. Watching video can help (maybe) and here on the forums we can offer advise, but ultimately it will be up to you to pack your own pipe how you like it. The only way you'll know what that is to keep practicing until you finally succeed, at least partially for a half a bowl or something, and you get your first enjoyable "A hah!!?!" moment.
My one suggestion as you learn to pack your pipe is to first, before putting any tobacco in, is to draw several times sloooowly on the pipe. Really concentrate on how the air feels and sounds as you sloooooowwwly and gently draw air through the pipe. Then as you pack your pipe, with whatever method you choose to start with, draw as your loading your pipe several times paying attention to the draw, does it still feel the same? Or does it feel somewhat different and constricted or perhaps a little different sound? Your pipe when it's properly packed should be full and if gently pressing on the tobacco in the bowl feel a little springy, but with the draw still open and unimpeded, or with perhaps the smallest, tiniest, barely noticeable difference in the draw.
If you have succeeded in packing it decently, then gently, very, very, gently kiss the top the tobacco with the flame, almost like you feel bad that your burning it, and gently, gently, gently draw on the pipe as you almost touch the flame to it. You should see the top of the tobacco start to char and swell and almost spill out of the bowl. Allow the little Embers to go out and gently, gently, with your finger or tamper push the half burnt tobacco strands all back together on the top of the bowl. That is your charing light. You may have to do another charing light, that's fine, some tobacco takes a little more to get going. Keep gently, ever so gently, putting the flame to the tobacco and drawing gently until you see a nice ember forming evenly on the top. Then take a couple slightly deeper, but still gentle puffs and sit back and try and enjoy the flavor of the smoke. Sip slowly, perhaps count to 15 or 20 before taking another small sip. Try to sip on your pipe like a really piping (pardon the pun) hot cup of coffee or tea. Allow the flavor to open up to you. It may take a few tries to get it, don't be afraid to dig out the tobacco when you are packing if something doesn't seem right and try again.
Also, don't listen too much to the internet purists and naysayers, most aromatics will absolutely taste just like they are described, notes of chocolate, vanilla, cherry, or sweet, sweet Bourbon (the brownest of the brown liquors) etc but it takes some patience and experience is all. There's a reason why outside of the internet, aromatic pipe tobaccos are far and away the most popular and best selling blends, probably by an order of magnitude.