Accessing the eBay page per newbroom's post above, it looks as though the GBD logo was hot-stamped into the stem. This indicates to me that the pipe is of more recent production. Older (vintage) GBD pipes featured an oval shaped embossed metal GBD logo which was inserted, rather than stamped, into the stem. Is the band on the pipe hallmarked (I could not tell from the images)? If so, then using them you should be able to date the year in which your pipe was manufactured.
As for restoration potential, if, as newbroom saw, the bowl is indeed cracked, then I would pass, and would consider returning the pipe to the Seller as unsmokable. Additional images would help in making that determination. On the Forums homepage you will find a sticky note which will instruct you in how to attach images to your posts.
Good Luck!
P.S.: Welcome to the pipesmagazine Forums!