Pease only has one real aromatic (Barbary Coast) and a couple of quasi-aros (Sextant and Haddo's Delight), so not many worries on that. I'm not entirely clear what you're looking for here.... For my money, Greg makes the best latakia blends on the market but also has a handful of others masterpieces in other categories. Filmore, for instance, is my favorite Va/Per by a country mile, while Jackknife Plug is a good blend of no-frills American leaf....
If you want some latakia, then Chelsea Morning is a great light English while Westminster and Maltese Falcon are awesome examples of medium Englishes. On the heavier end of the scale, I think Odyssey is the best Balkan blend currently available.
Although they each have some spirits added as flavorings, I highly highly recommend both Sextant and Haddo's Delight. They are each superlative tobaccos, and they have the added bonus of a decent nicotine kick.