GT, thanks for answering Buroak's query. The
is certainly a technical term that could be misconstrued if one isn't familiar with the theological context.
I've noticed that this site offers a group function that could possibly be used to form a book club. Assuming Kevin and the mods have no problems, would any of you be interested in forming a virtual book club to discuss some of GK's works? Say Orthodoxy or Heretics?
I'm up for it if just a couple of you are interested.
<a href="">Church Militant</a>
I've noticed that this site offers a group function that could possibly be used to form a book club. Assuming Kevin and the mods have no problems, would any of you be interested in forming a virtual book club to discuss some of GK's works? Say Orthodoxy or Heretics?
I'm up for it if just a couple of you are interested.