G&H Balkan Mixture

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 6, 2011
I've posted this review elsewhere, but figured I'd post it here too...
Now this is a fine Balkan blend, and maybe even a spectacular one -- depending on what you're looking for, of course.
This stuff comes in a shag cut, reminiscent of Kendal Kentucky or even Drum RYO tobacco. It's a little moist, so a few minute's worth of drying time doesn't hurt. It's composed primarily of dark brown and black strands, with some lighter bits mixed in. It lights and burns like a dream, which is more than I can say for many blends in this genre. It also has no bite, which is another trait I value highly.
The flavor is very reminiscent of Odyssey, but it also reminds me strongly of the Balkan Sobranie "White" I smoked in the early 1990s. In fact, despite many attempts by various manufacturers to replicate that mixture, this is the only one that actually comes anywhere close (for instance, it's FAR nearer to that ideal than, say, Blue Mountain, Black House or Balkan Sasieni). It's not identical to the legendary BS, of course, but if you really want to get a feel for what that blend was like, THIS is the place to go. Personally, I actually like this stuff far more than the BS I occasionally bought 20 years ago -- it's a bit sweeter, a bit more complex and the latakia has a distinctive smokiness that is, oddly enough, missing in most other Balkans. The orientals used are very similar to what I find in GLP's Odyssey, and the more I smoke it the more I want to describe Balkan Mixture as a slightly toned-down, more oriental-forward version of that classic Pease mixture .... Like I said, they aren't identical but their flavor profiles remind me immediately of one another.
I find absolutly no hint of "Lakeland essence" here, which is to say no flowers, aftershave, or even tonquin. Zero. Which, to tell the truth, was a little disappointing at first since I'd bought this with the hope of finding a Lakeland spin on Balkan mixtures. That disappointment didn't last, however, as this stuff stands well on its own and then some.
Is this is the absolute best of its kind? I don't know -- again, it depends on what you're looking for. If you want complexity, both Magnum Opus and Wilderness are better choices. If you are looking for a spectacular assault of latakia and oriental flavor, then Odyssey is the better blend. But there is a pleasant simplicty and ease of smoking found here that those other blends lack, as well as a shot of nicotine that was as welcome as it was surprising. Other than Nightcap, this is the only latakia mixture I've smoked which I would describe as being even remotely capable of producing nicotine overload if you overdo it. Most importantly, I could easily see myself smoking this all day long, and I normally think of Balkans as once-a-day smokes at best. This is also a perfect example of why I seem to be gravitating more and more toward blends manufactured by GH, as they both satisfy my desire for nicotine and they are EASY to smoke. They light easily, they burn easily, and they rarely cause tongue irritation of any kind. These qualities are especially notable when Balkan Mixture is compared to its competitors -- Wilderness is too mild to satisfy, Magnum Opus has a bite to it when you try to smoke it multiple times in one day, and Odyssey sometimes has all the burning qualities of fire-retardant furniture stuffing.
No matter how I slice it, though, this gets an easy four stars. And, the more I smoke it, the more I wonder if I won't someday soon consider this my "holy grail" Balkan blend ... time will tell. YMMV, of course!



Sep 14, 2011
Thanks for the interesting review. I smoked BS White back in the 70s, when it was a different critter than 20 years later.

We should remember that Blue Mountain and Black House are not supposed to recreate BS White - they are attempts to recreate BS 759 - the black label. Different critter. :puffy:



Feb 20, 2011
Richmond, BC
Oh man, I have a whole bunch of tins of this squirrelled away, considering the lat content it ages superbly. Great review, you've summed it up really well!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Saw this at my local B&M the other day. I will have to pick up a tin soon. Thanks for the review!

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