for opening paint cans 8O broke the spoon off mine :crying:
pawpaw Lifer Jun 25, 2011 1,492 1 cleveland NC Jul 14, 2012 #1 for opening paint cans 8O broke the spoon off mine :crying:
mp31guitar Lifer Jun 28, 2011 1,156 1 Jul 14, 2012 #4 I know the feeling pawpaw. I broke a clay last week dumping the tobacco out.
gwtwdbss Lifer Jun 13, 2012 2,945 21 54 Jul 14, 2012 #6 :laughat: Poor guy! If I ever see a titanium one with similar shape I'll be sure to send ya the link! Hope ya have a spare.
:laughat: Poor guy! If I ever see a titanium one with similar shape I'll be sure to send ya the link! Hope ya have a spare.
pawpaw Lifer Jun 25, 2011 1,492 1 cleveland NC Jul 14, 2012 #7 Pawpaw, you're too old not to know better Click to expand... well I knew NOT to use my Case pocket knife
Pawpaw, you're too old not to know better Click to expand... well I knew NOT to use my Case pocket knife
pawpaw Lifer Jun 25, 2011 1,492 1 cleveland NC Jul 14, 2012 #9 now if I had my Barlow with me .......
jchaplick Lifer May 8, 2011 1,702 10 Jul 15, 2012 #10 I boke my pipe nail trying to pry open one of those russian spam can ammo cases.... any gun guys out there, they know what im talking about lol, 7.62x54r 300 rounds on stripper clips
I boke my pipe nail trying to pry open one of those russian spam can ammo cases.... any gun guys out there, they know what im talking about lol, 7.62x54r 300 rounds on stripper clips