Here's my review. It is basically my tasting notes as I was smoking the tobaccos.
Aged bulk flake
Started off with bitter nutty flavors, then deep strong tobacco flavors, some spicy notes, less bitter. Mid way, mellowed a bit, solid tobacco flavor with some spicy notes, flavors linger in the palate for a long time. Starting to experience a bit of nicotine hit. Ends with mellow tobacco flavors, cool burning, nice earthy flavor profile. Excellent smoking experience.
Not aged from tin
Starts off mellow tobacco flavors, some spicy notes. Solid medium tobacco flavor, and spicy. Some sweet tobacco flavor come through as the smoke lingers in the palate. Some pleasant zest flavor probably from some moisture or oil that hit the tip of my tongue. Continues to be a nice medium tobacco flavor half way through the bowl. Solid tobacco flavor, slightly sweet, a bit bright in the last half of the bowl. This tobacco is really good.