Saddly there are dumb shits like this out there. Even more saddly in this case, your soon to be wife will have to make the stand for you, because you can't cause even more problems with her family. Any attempt to face them down could cause problems between you and your betrothed.
You are are not trash! You are an American hero ,and a good man. She is lucky to have you and you like wise her.
Material things maketh not a person, but the character of thy heart.
Once there was a beautiful tree that stood proud in the center of the forest. That tree was envied by the others for its beautiful spring blooms, and broad green branches. Even the squirels, and birds fussed and fought among themselves over who would make their nests in this fantastic tree. One day the winds blew and the rains pounded the forest. Many wondered who would survive this tempest, and feared. When it was over the Once beautiful tree had fallen to the storm and took many around it down, and even the squirrels and birds who had fought to make their nest in this tree were killed. Those who witnessed this mighty fall stood in amazment to see that the core of this, so beautiful tree was rotted and black. It was this lack of core that cause the tree to have no root strong enough to keep it during the storm.