Hi changojoe; I wrote this for another forum but I think you might find it of use.
Smoking slowly to avoid tongue bite is good advice. However, the problem can be caused by other factors. Some tobaccos just naturally are high in acid and other things that will bite the tongue. Also, the pipe can make a huge difference. You can take the same tobacco and smoke it in two differnt pipes and the difference in the results can be like night and day. One might smoke cool and nice and the other can be nasty and bite like a bulldog.
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Some tobacco, and Virginas are famous for this, are just hard to light and bite. The up side is that when you once get them lit they sometimes stay lit and burn slow... not always, it depends on the blend. Try some other blends or you might mix some of the Virginia with another blend. As to packing, there is an old saying. First pack it with the hand of a child, then with the hand of a woman, then with the hand of a man. In other words, firmer as you fill her up. Try to eliminate any air pockets. Also, you might try filling the pipe only 3/4 full. That way the walls of the bowl will make a chimney you can draw the flame down into. Light the tobacco around the edges of the bowl, the center will take care of itself. After the tobacco glows tamp it lightly and re-light. Do this a couple of times if you have to till it will stay lit. Having to re-light now and then is a part of pipe smoking. Afterall, you're trying to get a fire to burn downward when it wants to burn upward. Remember, any moron can light a cigarette and turn it into ash, but it takes some skill to smoke a pipe! Patience is what is required. Stick with it, you'll get the hang...