Wow, what a fantastic supply of tips, suggestions and advice! This community is truly a wonderful support for fans of the leaf.
Let me take a slightly different tack, and let's talk a bit about taste and smell. I make a living with my nose and my taste-buds. Your tongue alone has the ability to discern primary flavours like sweet, sour, salty and bitter (and some would add "Umami" but let's save that for a different conversation); your sense of smell adds the ability to detect unique flavours.
Without your nose, your sense of taste is pretty limited. Want to try something fun? Grab a jelly bean of any colour, plug your nose with one hand and pop that bean in your mouth and chew. You'll taste sugar and maybe a hint of flavour. Keep chewing, unplug your nose, and take a breath. Notice the difference in what you're "tasting"?
Why is this important? Because smelling tobacco, fresh and unlit, delivers only the smell of the tobacco. Lighting the tobacco on fire and inhaling the smoke a) changes the smell/flavour of the tobacco by incinerating the ingredients and b) introduces taste to your assessment of the tobacco. Just as brewed coffee won't taste exactly like the beans/grinds it was made from, smoke from burning tobacco won't taste/smell exactly like the tobacco it comes from.
If you've tried tobaccos which have aromas/smells that you LOVE and they taste horrible, and you're comfortable with how you're smoking/cleaning your pipe then I agree it's time to consider what the deal with your pipe is... or to consider whether your palate is too sensitive for the intensity of smoke. Not a pleasant consideration, but certainly better than continued frustration no?
Good luck!