Thank you Gentlemen, your kind words are very motivating for me!
@layinpipe: If it wasn´t for the customs hassles I´d be happy to do some resto work for others!
@rsuninv: Rebornpipes was the website that inspired me to try pipe restoration. I guess I will drop Steve Laug a line soon.
@mso489: I might smoke it myself as this shape seem a bit on the scarce side here. But you´re right, it might mistify a future owner! :lol:
@newbroom: Thank you Mike! It would be only half of the fun if I couldn´t show it here. :D
@wirountree: Pic #9 shows the retort cleaning method. You should find an abundance of information about it here. In short it is flushing the dirty pipe with heated alcohol (my hot air gun is not on the pic). This removes a lot of the gunk out of the shank and stem.
@peckinpahbombre: I might be brave when it comes to pipe restos but thank god I don´t look like Terry Sawchuk! Thank you, I feel flattered about that.