A century age plus it was baseball cards from the cigarette companies. Some of those cards are worth big money today. Collect them. Perhaps in a hundred years, your spore will have a collection worth a million dollars.
That is really uncomfortable to look at.
A vivid example of how easily the hive mind is manipulated.Something similar happened in Turkey in 2011; they took a picture of a guy who was in coma and printed it on cigarette packs: He got fired from his job, his wife asked him to stay away from their 1 year old daughter and later left the house, his friends and relatives started moving away from him thinking he had some kind of contagious disease, he sold his house and car because he couldn't find a job, later he opened a small cafe but people stopped buying from him because of the same reason. In the end, he had to move out of his village. The interesting part is, he was in coma because of a non-tobacco related issue. Later he filed a lawsuit against the government.
All of us can.BUT...they can have their high end cigars.