Freemasons and Other Fraternities

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Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I'm a Roman Catholic and against freemasons.
Prayer for the Conversion of Masons

O Lord Jesus Christ. Who showest forth Thy omnipotence most manifestly when Thou sparest and hast compassion,
Thou Who didst say, “Pray for those who persecute and calumniate you, “ we implore the clemency of Thy Sacred Heart on behalf of souls, made in the image of God, but most miserably deceived by the treacherous snares of Freemasons, and going more and more astray in the way of perdition.
Let not the Church, Thy Spouse, any longer be oppressed by them; but, appeased by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, and the prayers of the just, be mindful of Thy infinite mercy, and disregarding their perversity, cause these very men to return to Thee, that they may bring consolation to the Church by a most abundant penance, make reparation for their misdeeds, and secure for themselves a glorious eternity;
Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

(100 days, once a day) ( the Raccolta, 8th Edition, p.140)




Feb 21, 2013
I'm not much of a joiner of formal organizations. I like to let connections and bonds happen through activities

and affiliations that occur in an informal way over time. Families, friendships, professions, and arts (and other

activities) all have their secrets and confidences, but I like these to be a matter of character and not oaths. But

some of the groups mentioned on this thread do some real good, for which I give them credit. The Shriners and

their burn centers -- and I'm sure many others. The American Legion and the Daughters of the American

Revolution sent me to Illinois Boys State when I was in high school. I was no kind of politician (the boys can run

for office there at Boys State) but I did win the Lincoln medal for my essay on the Constitution. The amount of

energy surrounding the elections was a blast, and some of the guys who specialized in public speaking were

tremendously skilled.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
Wow. This thread went quickly down the sewer, thanks to one person. And, yes, using a communist tyrant as your personal avatar, then casting judgment on people and organizations you know absolutely nothing is pretty ridiculous. I know I wouldn't choose a photo of Adolf Hitler or Charles Manson to associate anything to myself....but then, I'm one of those satanic Masons. :roll:
Happy piping.



Feb 28, 2014
I was (am) a Sigma Chi from the Iota Xi chapter at George MASON (lol). I thoroughly enjoyed my time in college as a member of my fraternity and would highly recommend joining one for young people in college. The history and traditions in all fraternities really appeals to me, as i am somewhat of a history buff to begin with. I was also a member of my major's honor society, Lambda Pi Eta, which is the National Communications Honor Society.
My grandfather was a Mason, 32 degree Scottish Rite and a member of the Knights Templar and Knights of Columbus. He was very active at his lodge and i believe he held a high ranking before he passed while i was in college in 2002 0r 2003. My grandmother, his wife, was active with the Northern Star. I inherited his masonic ring and his buck knife, which has inscriptions of all of his fraternal symbols. I misplaced the ring unfortunately, but still have his knife right on my dresser to this day. I will take a pic of it when i go inside, so maybe some of you can discern what the symbols mean. I remember going to a couple of their meetings and dinner functions when i was little. Obviously i didn't attend the actual meeting, but waited outside while they conducted the meeting. I looked into joining the Masonry when i was living in San Diego and they looked up my grandfather and told me a little about him and his status within the society. I never followed through though, maybe i should at some point...



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
A few years ago, I received an unexpected package in the mail from my uncle. On the outside was a card which explained that since I was the only Mason in the family, it was only right for me to have my grandfather's (Dad's side) Masonic Bible. Apparently the Bible had been on display in a small museum in Meeteetse, Wyoming for decades.
The Bible lists the dates my grandfather became an EA, a FC, and a MM. Several of the signatures of Masons who were present were relatives of mine.
I also have my grandfather's (Mom's side) Masonic ring and Scottish Rite ring, as well as my grandmother's Eastern Star pins.




Dec 22, 2013
New York
Andrew are you trying to disturb a relatively peaceful thread. As a Roman Catholic and a devotee of St Jude I find your rather interesting take of social grouping to have more in common with 'The Witch Finder General' and other charming gentlemen who practiced their trade for profit and sexual kicks in the 1590s. How many angles can you fit on a pin head? Burnt any deserving witches lately? Honestly man the current pope would ex-communicate you for publishing that sort of cr*p on the web. Insipiens, tu dicant a mauris in forum!



May 11, 2012
So because I use an avatar of Stalin that makes me a bad person? U mad???
I don't know.. is an a-hole a bad person?
U mad??? no just sad. I hope you are just jerking folk's chains and don't really believe the bat-sh!t crazy stuff you post.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
A click to check out some information on Freemasonry (there is a Lodge near my home, and my grandfather was a Mason) - really took a weird turn there with this thread.

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