One other consideration smoking a big Danish freehand besides giving the appearance of having more money than you actually have, is that every one I own is a dynamite good smoker.
Every briar pipe is a hunk of briar and a stem, and with a Danish freehand the makers cannot shortchange you.
They must use a plateaux of briar that must be old enough to be large, and they fashion this into a very large pipe that shows plateaux on the top and the shank end.
With briar pipes, all other things being equal, bigger is better. Bigger pipes hold more tobacco, there’s more briar to insulate the burning cherry, and there’s longer for the smoke to travel that cools the smoke stream.
But they are showy, flashy things, and the bigger they are the more pretentious they look.
I prefer the larger Ben Wade to the smaller Knute, but the bigger pipe is a little better smoker, I think.
Both of them look like you own a franchise restaurant and drive a Cadillac Eldorado convertible, but at least you get a sweet and cool smoking pipe to show off.
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Briar Lee, are you related to Bruce & Ben Lee?