Depending on what farm business you're talking about, this is typical.
As a lifetime farmer and cattleman, I cannot tell you how often meetings are delayed and parties are late.
The not calling you is an issue, especially after 4 hours.
Just a "for instance".....
A few years ago I was on my way to bring some calves to a sale. The sale lot was a 2 hour drive. I left 3 hours ahead, planning on SOMETHING going wrong.
On my way off of our property, I saw one of our cows trying to get up, and falling repeatedly. It turned into a life and death calving issue that needed immediate attention. The LAST thing on my mind was calling to say I was gonna be late.
Another time a guy I was meeting was a few hours late because his barn caught fire.
My point is, as you probably know, it's Murphys Law 24/7 on a farm.
On my way to my mom's funeral there was a stray dog attacking our chickens. Where were my farm dogs? Good question!
They showed up in time for me to get out of there quickly and cleanly. What happened to the stray dog? Who knows, but God bless his soul if my Kangals caught him.