Just returned home from backpacking around Scotland and visiting distilleries for the past 6 weeks, last day there I walking around Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland (after visiting the Scotch Malt Whisky Society Vaults) and stopped in a *former* pipe shop turning head shop. They only had a few pipes left on the shelf with most of the space being taken up by glass “pipes”. I asked the guy behind the counter if they had any estate pipes from the pipe shop days, he brought out a small box with 20 or so nameless basket pipes with these at the bottom of the box. I love GBDs and smoke them more than any other pipes in my rotation, I was almost speechless to see these! I checked the inside of the bowls and couldn’t believe they were unsmoked and not a scratch on the pipes. I checked the silver hallmarks and found they were made in 1918 in London, you can tell by the discoloration of the purple felt that they have been in the case their long life. The price tag… £70 (approx $80 USD), again almost speechless, I paid without even putting the pipes down so if you ever see an old pipe shop that is “transitioning” to a head shop, it never hurts to ask if they have any estate pipes hidden away.
I would love more information from other GBD lovers who might know more about them… I couldn’t find too much on the GBD “wiki” on the older pipes.
I would love more information from other GBD lovers who might know more about them… I couldn’t find too much on the GBD “wiki” on the older pipes.