There are no "secrets" to quitting, no magic formulae to smoking cessation.
It's about you, figuring out what will work for you[/]. From then on, it's purely a matter of your will, or the cigarette's, and whether or not you have the determination to achieve your goal.
Nicotine is a hell of a drug, and cigarettes deliver it with the ferocity of a Velociraptor. Aware of this, I made the decision to cut back on my chewing, and cigarette smoking- with the realization that me NEVER EVER doing either EVER again, is highly improbable. So, I took a "casual" approach, which has allowed me to smoke on average, ten cigarettes per week, and cease chewing almost completely, and THAT, has given me quite a good deal of self-respect and peace of mind.
Now, who were my companions on this journey to controlling my craving? Preloading my pipe before bed, so if I were to be too lazy to pack one in the AM, I wouldn't be tempted by the grits.
I would probably expand quite bit here, but lucky for you guys, this site isn't formatted for mobile, and I'm on my phone.