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Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
What pipes have you found that feel/fit and smoke most like Dunhills? Which pipes do you reach for over your Dunhills?
Cayuga pipes were mentioned in a post yesterday as passing the Dunhill look and smoke test. Others?



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
I own over a dozen Dunhills and while I smoke them all, I also reach for all of my other pipes. I really like my Dunhills, but I also really like my other pipes. I'm still not sure why people bash them, but if a pipe is on my rack, it smokes good. I can tell you this, I prefer older my Dunhills to anything I smoked from the 70's or 80's. But it is all so subjective. Too subjective. Too variant on smoking style, cadence, type of tobacco and dryness of tobacco.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
My birth years do smoke a lot better than that piece of crap Ruby Bark I had.



Feb 27, 2013
I don't own any Dunhill pipes newer than the early 70's and the oldest is from 1917. I like smoking all of them but I think the group 1 Shell Briar I got at a yard sale for $1.00 is one of my best smokers since it's had more than one lifetime of pipe smoking. My next favorite would be the 1948 DRR C-EE pot that is my Flake machine in my Dunhill round up. I have never been a fan of the Bruyere finish until I saw some from the 20's which are far more appealing to my eye than the later ones. I was fortunate to find an early 20's Churchwarden in a custom order Dunhill case much like the ones found with Meerschaum pipes, it also has the Dunhill logo inside and it smokes great, it will be one of the ones I'll photograph when I get to my Dunhill lineup. The other favorite non Dunhill pipes I find to be great smokers are my Beckers, never had a bad smoking Becker.



Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Okay, decided to do some deeper thinking. Specific pipes I will reach for over Dunhills. Any of my Savinelli 904s, A Don Carlos straight grain bent volcano, all of my Weavers, my Holms, and a '70s model Big Ben bent dromedary.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I'm still not sure why people bash them...
It's largely because of the gimlet eyed newbie cultists who show up here declaring that Dunhills are the best pipes made, period. I have three still in rotation, a 1927 shell, and 1949 black dot, and a 1967 ODA apple, that are really superb smokers. The others sit in the drawer. There's nothing supernatural about Dunhill and the prices aren't about quality but are about mystique.
I like pipes from a number of makers, obviously Barling, but also Comoy, Sasieni, Kaywoodie, Von Erck, Castello, Ser Jacopo, Curtz, Talbert, Tatum, Fillenwarth, Cannoy, Alden, etc.
If you're looking for a well performing pipe you have a number of ways to go. Nobody has a lock on it.

May 4, 2015
Not to divert too much, but since it was mentioned in the OP: I looked at Paul's Pipe Shop Cayuga Pipes. There seems to be some good value there, but does anyone have a lead on what the "Miracle Cake" is? It's obviously a bowl coating of some sort and I know how many of us feel about that, but.. anyone with experience with these find it good/bad/indifferent?



Mar 22, 2011
I don't have any experience with Cayuga pipes, either, but anyone who thinks they remotely resemble any model of Dunhill is smoking something other than tobacco. They may be fine pipes, but they bear absolutely no resemblance, in my opinion.

May 4, 2015
I don't have any experience with Cayuga pipes, either, but anyone who thinks they remotely resemble any model of Dunhill is smoking something other than tobacco. They may be fine pipes, but they bear absolutely no resemblance, in my opinion.
Ha. Clearly. To be fair to them, I don't think they ever claimed that themselves.

May 4, 2015
Looking back at the other thread, I think we just have a little bit of the phone game going on. The only "physical" resemblance that was suggested was in a basic billiard shape - the crux of the comparison was really the smoking qualities.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I have vintage and new Dunhills from '61 to 2014. I find the brand equitable to a Four Dot Sasieni, Comoy's, Taylor-era Ashton and some GBD's. For a change of pace, a higher grade Peterson with a p-lip stem.



Aug 23, 2013
One of my best smoking pipes is a '69 Dunhill Shell shape 36. I have two 1940's shape 35 Shells, also both excellent smokers. Oldest Dunhill, a 1923 Bruyere shape 60. Pipe brand I probably smoke most often, Sasieni made pipes, both firsts, and seconds. Smoking an Old England right now as I type. :wink:



Feb 11, 2014
i currently own 10 dunhills, all were used when i bought them. i do not find anything special about them and had just as soon smoke my petersons, savinellis, tinskys, and castellos. i also have a bunch of pre-war kaywoodies which i do not smoke at all. i know others rave about them but i find them too restrictive and the briar is to me, rather underwhelming -but to each his own. if one likes a pipe regardless of brand then smoke it.

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