For a change, a positive article on our hobby.

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Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I never (NEVER) pay attention to comments on articles such as these as all the social justice warriors, living at their parents house come out of the woodwork and their comments just aren’t worth anyone’s time.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Busy bodies will be what they are. That silliness hasn't reached those proportions here yet. Took my girls to see the Pikachu movie yesterday and while walking back to the car I had a pipe lit. A young couple, probably late teens, saw my pipe and both shared stories about fond memories of their grandparents that my pipe evoked.



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Definitely concur on the "reform" aspect, Tom. Like dealing with assigning responsibility for stuff. For far too many people it's always better/easier for it to be *your* fault than theirs. :(



Mar 7, 2013
In case anyone was wondering (since I rarely joke about serious matters), I did NOT toss that woman into a woodchipper.
Rather the opposite, in fact. I apologized profusely for my toxic masculinity having encroached on her Personal Space Life Journey Feelings, and thereby interfered with the transsexual dance therapy interpretation class that her inner child was silently crying out for her to enroll in.
Then I apologized for having assumed xir gender with that statement, so changed my reference to "person."
Then I apologized for having used a term which included a gendered component--the "son" in "person"---so changed it to "human".
Which was even worse, of course---the "man" in "human" being beyond inexcusable---so finally settled on "it."
After which my cigar had gone out, but since she was frantically trying to bat away a crow by then (an especially tenacious one that had taken an interest in all the shiny objects stapled into her face and was dive bombing her like a Ju-87), I didn't care. That's what torch lighters are for, right?



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
You also have to be very careful with the words that slip out of your mouth these days or you might be cited with verbal abuse. Apparently just a man talking is extremely offensive and borderline abuse. Yeah, I totally admit that I don’t belong in Austin, it’s just gotten ridiculous here, I’m walking on eggshells everywhere I turn as it’s not cool to have masculine qualities anymore (not just talking about growing a beard down to your knees and dressing like a lumberjack even though you’ve never swung an axe).



Feb 26, 2015
Yeah, I totally admit that I don’t belong in Austin,
Austin stopped being part of Texas a long time ago and fortunately there are only a couple of places in Texas like Austin - San Antonio, Houston & possibly Dallas. The rest of Texas is relatively sane.



Feb 21, 2013
Despite needing a few sharp-eyed edits -- which all of us need from time to time -- this is a well written and engaging story. I kind of hope the author revisits the subject and raises some of the interesting aspects of pipes and pipe smoking that could interest even non-smokers. The array of different materials, brands, shapes, and national origins of pipes, for examples. This guy writes well enough that he could make those resonate with collectors in general, though it should probably be parceled over two or more other stories. It's pretty interesting if it can be spun out in a way comprehensible to people who don't know the subject. Having written biomedical science for about 35 years, I really pay heed to making intricate subjects accessible in plain language. People don't understand the scientific method; they want scientists to come up with the answer that they choose, and needless to say, that's not science.



Jul 22, 2018
Great article, thanks for posting!

It's always interesting when pipe smoking occurs in mainstream media.
Spot on! Love the rant.

Political correctness and herd mentality-anxiety, we have that here in Sweden too. Plenty.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Sadly we live a world that really hasn't moved on very far from Prohibition. Someone somewhere feels it is necessary to provide the correct guidance to the other unenlightened rubes. This form of behavior has now become an entire socio-economic activity with 'Not for Profits' providing a secure and handsome income for the practitioners of puritanism. Once they achieve their stated goals they then move on to the next campaign. They are the terminally offended, probably bullied at school and resent the popular kids getting all the pretty girls. Its a mentality based on malice, spite and inner anger and a failure to discover masturbation before the age of 16. Personally I go out of my way to offend these idiots and nothing offends more than using their shiny shoes as a repository for a mouthful of chewed plug! :rofl:



Jan 31, 2011
Its a mentality based on malice, spite and inner anger and a failure to discover masturbation before the age of 16.
Yes, but those types have always been around, and their mentality can't really account for the out-of-all-proportion hysterical mass-demonizing/criminalizing of any and all tobacco use...which is now a widespread position taken by a very large percentage of society.
And it is not a position that most people have arrived at by their own reasoning...but rather a position that they have been instructed to take by mass media/government are most other non-reality-based perceptions that the masses are given regarding any number of issues.



Feb 26, 2015
People tend to forget that Prohibition did more harm to the United States than good.



Mar 7, 2013
Yes, but those types have always been around, and their mentality can't really account for the out-of-all-proportion hysterical mass-demonizing/criminalizing of any and all tobacco use...which is now a widespread position taken by a very large percentage of society.
And it is not a position that most people have arrived at by their own reasoning...but rather a position that they have been instructed to take by mass media/government are most other non-reality-based perceptions that the masses are given regarding any number of issues.
Exactly so.
When people finally "get" that---how the human tribal response works---they pause.
Then, when they realize it's a DNA-encoded "hardwired" survival trait that operates independently of reason... they do a slow blink.
Then, when they realize that through all of human history until a century or so ago, anyone who wanted his ideas to be heard by more than a dozen or so people had exactly one option: stand in a high place and shout (soapbox, rock, stage, treestump), they start to look alarmed. (Newspapers, television, radio, and books were never really in the mix. Getting a book published, or editorial printed, or having a TV or radio show was accomplished by only a vanishingly small percentage of the population, and then was heavily edited/controlled/etc.)
Then, when they realize that effectively OVERNIGHT (in evolutionary terms) and without warning, it became possible for anyone, anywhere to establish contact with---and stay connected to---millions of people at any time in any combination, they make a little squeak, drop to the ground, and curl into a catatonic fetal position. (At least that's what happened the last time I was around when the subject come up. Three people did at once, in fact. I remember because it was in front of an ice cream shop and the owner was pissed. Didn't want people thinking he'd poisoned them, I imagine.)

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