For 9/11

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Jan 8, 2013
In honor of all the first responders who gave their lives on 9/11, and for those still living, and in remembrance of the innocent lives taken on this day, and in honor of our military who have served to protect this country since then, I'm loading up the new Peterson with some Bagpiper's Dream. Never forget, my friends, as that day never should be. Cheers.

Mar 30, 2014
I just watched a very powerful 9/11 documentary on Netflix called "A Good American." A must see for anyone who lost family or friends on 9/11.

Jan 8, 2013
Well put. I am glad that someon else remembered the anniversary.
I'm sure most here did, but are following coverage of Hurricane Irma which is also on my mind. And we just had Hurricane Harvey here in Texas, so there's a lot going on. A lot of people will be needing assistance in one way or another because of those storms.
But I'll never forget how I felt watching the events of 9/11 unfold. I think many of us felt a surge of different kinds of emotions we didn't know existed.

Jan 8, 2013
Thanks for mentioning the documentary, Dave. That's one I've not seen. I'll watch it.
Edit to add: Sorry for the double post.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Thank you, Anthony. I lived in apartment in the West Village when the North tower was going up. So sad to see them going down (though from the distance of 3.000 miles)



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
I was a high school student back then and I still remember how shocked I was while watching it live on TV. Very sad day indeed.



Apr 26, 2013
What a shit day that was. I was working a Counterdrug Taskforce Mission in WA at the time. I had friends out the door within 72 hours of that and in harm's way.
Hats off to those first responders and all service members who put themselves in harm's way for this country.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 30, 2014
I was on the plant floor when word of the first plane came across the radio.
For some reason we decided to turn on the TV in the conference room we normally only used for training videos.
Seconds later we watched live as the second plan hit. That's when the world changed.
My youngest son was just a kid then.

He got out of the army last year after serving six, with two deployments. Both "over there"...



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
They say you never forget where you were during world changing events and that is so true.
I had done some shopping and gone to the Star & Garter pub in Falmouth (Cornwall) to unwind with a jar or two. Immediately I walked in I sensed something unusual was going on. There were about thirty customers in there yet there was total silence, just the TV which every eye was glued to.
A pal whispered in my ear the basics of what was going on and I too became glued to the TV...then moments later the second plane struck.
A truly horrible day and one I shall never forget. Such a pointless waste of many good lives.



Apr 5, 2014
I was on a ladder with my head in the attic of a new construction project, when my wife texted me, THEY BOMBED THE FUCKING PENTAGON! She was at work too, and hadn't heard or seen anything else yet.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Was haveing a Boat Lift installed in my Bayside Condo, went in for a cup of coffee, TV on, BOOM, newscaster said that was a horrible accident, I thought that was no accident. I knocked off Lift crew, herded them in my downstairs den and told them, watch we"re at war. I agree some people will never get it, but unfortunately Soldiers get it.



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2017
London, England
Let you tell me my story of that terrible day ...
I was pottering about the house when my wife called me with some urgency to come see the TV which had broken into live coverage from NYC. I stood there, hoping it was a terrible accident, but in my gut I knew that it wasn't. When the second plane appeared I knew it for a fact.
We were booked to go to NYC to visit a friend who lived in Staten Island. The tickets were in early October, a little less than a month later. We wondered if the trip was now possible. As it happened we were able to go. We spent a lot of time in Manhatten, and could see the work being done to remove and sift through the hundreds of tons of rubble and steel. The remains were still smoking.
The thing that sticks with me most from that week is how ordinary people wanted to tell their stories. Back then, just weeks afterwards, the Brits seemed to be your best friends in the world (Blair had appeared in Congress, and the US anthem had been played at the Changing of the Guard) - people responded to that and thanked us for coming and listening as they told us their experiences of that day.
I went back to NYC just a couple of years ago - the first time since 2001 - and went to the intensely moving monument which now occupies the site.
Of course, Brits were not strangers to terrorism, even then, with IRA atrocities in our recent history. (And it must be said that there was a lot of anger in the UK then about the US police tolerating people collecting for the IRA in the bars of NYC and Boston).
Nothing on the scale of NYC though. It was a wake-up call to the world.

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