I usually get grief when I talk about this, but its true.
In my decades of smoking a pipe, I have never dried any tobacco.
I hear about letting a tobacco sit out for minutes to hours, to days even.
Years ago(2010?) I had a long talk about this with Craig Tarler and a couple other blenders/pipe guys.
The consensus was that most competent blenders sell their tobacco at the moisture they believe it smokes and tastes the best. Generally drier for Va ribbon, wetter for Va flake and wettest for English/Balkan blends.
With the proper puffing technique, even very moist tobacco lights and smokes to the bottom. Sometimes they are tough to get lit, but once they are, they smoke great.
FVF tastes much better in my opinion when its got some age, but just from the tin/jar. After its dried, it loses some of its dark figgy taste.
Same with McClelland Virginias and many others.
The trick to "fold and stuff" is to not cram the tobacco in.
Fold the flake smaller than the bowl is wide, and let the tobacco "grow" into the chamber.
Many more moist flakes start off slow, but after awhile, they stay lit and last a long time.
I know many people like their tobacco drier than "right from the tin", but when I hear people say that a certain tobacco is impossible to smoke unless dried for a fort night, I have to disagree.
The lightest, almost just a breath of air movement will light ANY tobacco......in my experience.