Flu Shots, If You Will

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Can't Leave
Jul 27, 2018
Dont worry they ussually like to do one at a time, def not all three. This way you get to pay more... so once you do those three we will give you a new list. Actually I think that's it for now unless you planning a trip to west Africa or the rainforest..



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
Have gotten the flu shot for 20 plus years and have not had the flu since receiving said shots.



May 11, 2012
Flue shot - You bet, every year. It may or may not work but if it does, I want it!
Shingles Shot - You bet. It may or may not work but if it does, I want it!
Pneumonia Shot - You bet. It may or may not work but if it does, I want it!
All other approved preventive shots - They may or may not work, but if they do, I want 'em.
Pipe Smoking - You bet. It may or may not prolong life as suggested in the 1964 Surgeon's General report, but if it does, I want it!
This is excellent advice ^^^^



Aug 20, 2013
The medical-pharmaceutical complex relentlessly pushes pills to the tune of billions each year, and vaccinations are one of its slickest ploys. On the other hand I'm no efficacy expert. But I know Big Money has it wrong.



Can't Leave
Apr 4, 2014
I've been eating raw garlic one to three times a day for over six years. I work outside in the winter. Here in Pennsylvania, we don't live in the coldest climate but we get down to -20 degrees with quite windy conditions. I haven't caught so much as a cold since I started this. I won't take a flu shot.



Feb 21, 2013
hoosier', nothing about vaccines is pretty. But also look at information on shingles. For some it is not a passing illness but a chronic disease and can be extreme, so painful that people cannot wear clothing near their skin, and this goes on, for some, for years. So consider the adversary. Making vaccines is like making sausage; you don't want to watch, you don't want to know.



Aug 2, 2016
Just got mine. Never used to do so til about 12 years ago when I was sick for 10 straight days. Haven't missed s shot since then. Got the shingles shot last year.



Jan 31, 2011
No thanks.
I've been eating raw garlic one to three times a day for over six years. I work outside in the winter. Here in Pennsylvania, we don't live in the coldest climate but we get down to -20 degrees with quite windy conditions. I haven't caught so much as a cold since I started this. I won't take a flu shot.
Yep...it's the allicin...great anti-microbial.
Making vaccines is like making sausage; you don't want to watch, you don't want to know.
Personally I do want to know...and the manufacturing process is precisely the problem with vaccines (not the scientific theory behind how they work).
Too much risk of both chemical and biological contamination for me...and the associated neurological and autoimmune disorders.
And I just don't trust the companies who make them.
If you trust it/them, great...have at it...and good luck.



Oct 15, 2013
After working in hospitals for 40 years and seeing the complications from some of the diseases vaccines prevent, I've decided to take my chances with the vaccines. It's like the car seat belt argument. Yes, under certain conditions you might find yourself struggling to free yourself from your submerged or burning vehicle. But it's far more likely they will keep you from flying through your windshield and being crushed by your own car. Vaccines and seatbelts. Both great ideas.

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I think certain vaccines are clearly worthwhile and necessary. Vaccinating against a predicted new flu strain every year seems like flawed thinking to me. Frankly, injecting almost dead viruses into my body to encourage my body to create antibodies seems somewhat flawed. This is a "one size fits all" solution when you're dealing with millions of different people.
My concern is the world is heading towards a horrific pandemic from one of these super bugs, genetic mutations or all the GMO foods. All this uncontrolled altering of Mother Nature is incredibly scary.
At the same time, I'm not 100% sold on which way is best. I have an excellent family physician who is a Doctor of Internal Medicine. Haven't visited him in about 3 years. I suppose I should schedule a check up and get his opinion on these different vaccines. He is the sort of person that will give his honest opinion, which I respect. I'm not formally trained so I will likely take his recommendations. I have no fear of the needles, I just wish to do the right thing.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
It's really hard to say whether we have actually avoided a pandemic with the flu vaccine. About ten years ago, I remember they were really scaring us with predictions of another flu pandemic with images from the last one.

It's really an individual decision. I wouldn't hold it against one whether the do or do not vaccinate against the flu or pneumonia or shingles. I get them some years and not others, depending on whether I remember to or not. I haven't gotten the shingles one though, but my daughter did get them when she was a toddler, and it was a nightmare.

These are not like the vaccines against childhood diseases. It is sort of negligent not to get those, but these are more adult diseases, involving adults deciding for themselves. That's different. IMO

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
A big part of the problem is the primary benefactors are Big Pharma. I believe they are every bit as corrupt as the Big Insurance Companies. They both spend tens of billions of dollars per year on advertising and lobbyists. If they are purely so good, why do they need to spend so much money lobbying for laws that benefit them?



Aug 2, 2016
Here's what the CDC says about the safety of flu vaccines, https://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/vaccine/vaccinesafety.htm
Didn't realize how expensive those vaccines an be til the nurse who injected me last year said they bill my insurance for $400+. The flu, though, did kill quite a # of people last year, tragically including a # of children.



Jan 31, 2011
These are not like the vaccines against childhood diseases.
The biggest problem with childhood vaccines (aside from the manufacturing issues) is way too many are given in too short a period of time (beginning even immediately after birth).
A number of highly credible and credentialed people over the years have pointed out the danger of doing this to a newly developing immune system...and I agree with them (even though people like them are typically demonized by the MSM).
Here's what the CDC says about the safety of flu vaccines
I don't trust the CDC any more than I do the pharmaceutical companies...but that's just me.

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