Florida Home Inventory Completed (Almost)

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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I've moved around 1/3 of my cellar to our Florida home and with the addition of the man cave, decided it was time to organize and take stock. Here's what 150 or so pounds of pipe tobacco looks like.


The top shelf is a lot of my favorite blends such as Vauen No 14 and F&T Cut virginia Plug along with HU blends.


Here's a partial listing, I set up a simple Excel spread sheet.


Second shelf from top has around 18 pounds of McClelland tins. The Christmas Cheer and 40th Anniversary is in the back.


Partial listing.


The third shelf from the top is the bulk I've transferred to Florida. There's around 6 or more times as much bulk in Indiana. Found 2 jars of mystery Sam Gawith from 2008 I traded for at some point. It's either FVF, BBF or SJF. I love all 3, I suppose I'll tap into it someday and figure it out.

Partial listing.


All the bulk is 2018 and older.

The bottom shelf has 2 totes full of mylar bulk. I'll inventory it some time this week. Wish I would have stored more in mylar, less in jars. Takes up less space, lighter and easier to stack.

There's also all this miscellaneous bulk my wife decided to stack on the table one day. I suppose I'll inventory that if I get motivated.


We've decided were going to spend most of our time in Florida, love it here. Will make more frequent, shorter visits to Indiana to visit our Daughter, SIL and grandchildren there. My present thoughts are to fly to Indiana in May and rent a SUV one way to haul the rest of the tobacco to Florida when I return.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia