I've been piping for just a few months now but came from smoking alot of weed previously and a pack of cigs every now and then. To be honest I've been reluctant on buying tins because the 1 I bought(cult blood red moon) I don't like. In fact I don't like any aros after trying maybe 15 types. I lean on flakes for the most part. I've tried a few GH flakes but just too floral/flavored for me. My all time favorite is Newminster Navy Flake. I like the P.S. navy flake as well after I learned adding a little Lane BCA cools down the perique that was a little overwelming for me(love the flavor though). I think the next tin I buy will be capstan blue based off suggestions here. The only english I've tried unfortunately is P.S. proper english which is nice and mellow just not for everyday.