I'd say the culprit is packing the tobacco too loose in combination with the fairly open draw of a cob.
As others made clear, half bowls are not necessary and are more detrimental than anything - as you experienced.
The mechanics of a cob are just different. I started with cobs, so I find briars more finicky.
While burley tastes good in a cob, I find the "burley is best" argument unconvincing as I have smoked excellent (and terrible) bowls of nearly all tobacco varieties in cobs but Virginias are consistently my favourite...
I would also suggest you listen to the advice that it is not necessary to smoke down to the very bottom as you will never effectively combust everything in a cob although certain tobacco blends and pipe models are much more efficient than others.
I personally only smoke MM Country Gentleman cobs since I like the generous bowl size - perhaps you would benefit from finding your favourite kind and sticking to it for best results?