It turned out I'm a bit kinda clencher piper'and now in order to save my pipes steams from having tooth marks on them I went
ahead and ordered these rubber bites,the result of my first few experiments with these bites were no but ennoying,I did found them clumsy,affecting negatively on the whole smoking experience,making harder to control my draw and cadence,tongue more prone to biting and further causing more salive to secrete.Now I wonder perhaps these little rubber gadgets are not as good as I firstly thought,Nontheless I'm noticing they're being pretty popular especially among American pipesmoker but much lesser degree here in Europe.Had anybody been experimenting same frustrations after the initial use of these bite mark preventing gadgets. Thank You for your comments.
ahead and ordered these rubber bites,the result of my first few experiments with these bites were no but ennoying,I did found them clumsy,affecting negatively on the whole smoking experience,making harder to control my draw and cadence,tongue more prone to biting and further causing more salive to secrete.Now I wonder perhaps these little rubber gadgets are not as good as I firstly thought,Nontheless I'm noticing they're being pretty popular especially among American pipesmoker but much lesser degree here in Europe.Had anybody been experimenting same frustrations after the initial use of these bite mark preventing gadgets. Thank You for your comments.