Hello all!
Just wanted to introduce myself, name's Mike(y).
I'm relatively new to smoking, have been enjoying it for just under a year, although I have smoked cigars for several years prior. To get to it, I just recently bought my first real pipe! A Savinelli Oceano 106.
Just something about that pipe that I like, that little touch with the blue and white stem. I was just curious what you guys thought of my first official pipe but also what flashy or unique pipes you own. Are there any lines of pipes that are unique/flashy that come to mind? I'd be interested to know, look forward to any feedback you provide!
Just wanted to introduce myself, name's Mike(y).
I'm relatively new to smoking, have been enjoying it for just under a year, although I have smoked cigars for several years prior. To get to it, I just recently bought my first real pipe! A Savinelli Oceano 106.

Just something about that pipe that I like, that little touch with the blue and white stem. I was just curious what you guys thought of my first official pipe but also what flashy or unique pipes you own. Are there any lines of pipes that are unique/flashy that come to mind? I'd be interested to know, look forward to any feedback you provide!