First Pipe today...advice ?

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Might Stick Around
Sep 26, 2010
Hello all, I am Red. My Beau, who is also a member here ((Exploding Penguin)) begged and pleaded with me today to let him get an adorable little meerschaum pipe today. I agreed on the condition that he actually let me try it. Well I gotta admit.. I'm sold. ^_^
I could never allow myself to smoke cigarettes, but pipes are very nice and I can definitely say something I will stick with.
Anyway, I digress, as a novice pipe smoker... I am looking for any kinds of advice or tips you all would be willing to give me. I've gotten to try, 1M Altdis and John Aylesbury Mixture No666. ((I may try G.L.Peas Westminster in one of the church wardens tonight ))^_^ I like them both very much, the Altidis is sweeter, but Aylesbury is smoother. My biggest problem is lighting them, I can't seem do do it with out inhaling and choking and coughing.. The Beau assures me it will come with time.
So I am just looking for advice generally. And knowledge. General stuff, like what's the difference between an aromatic and an English? Or why do the really awesome smelling tobacco's ((like vanilla or hazelnut)) leave traces in the pipe (The Beau says he won't buy me any till I have my own pipe, so they don't make his taste weird)

He tries to explain this all, but he really sucks lol... his explanations make my head hurt and make me want to hit him... XP
I'm sure there are posts about all this already so even if you just drop me a link to them so I can go and pursue them all and learn that would be awesome!
Pleasure to meet all of you!



Might Stick Around
Sep 25, 2010
here is one of the first blogs I read about pipe smoking. It's very well written and is a great starting point.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2010
Hi Red,
Welcome to the forum. If you click on the "Home" tab at the top of the page and scroll down you'll see a list called "Feature Articles by Bob Tate" that cover a lot of the basics. As far as lighing your pipes, try using a series of short, shallow puffs instead of pulling in too much at one time. Your Beau is right, it's mostly a matter of practice.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome Red!

We're glad to have you aboard.
Here are some straight forward tips written by Bob.

Pipe Smoking Tips
Also; if you search through the videos you will find some excellent how to videos for packing and lighting.



Jul 13, 2010
There is a lot of links here that are helpful. Plus if you have any questions, the members here are more than willing to help you out and take a look around this site. There is much here to learn. Tobacco will be something to experiment with. There are many online and B&M stores out there that sell by the ounce. I am sure your fiance can help you with that part.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 14, 2010
first off, don't read my response to your beau's thread.
as for aromatics that leave a flavor (some say they "ghost" the piep) read reviews on the blend before smoking it. in general i use as my main source for tobacco information. buy a cheep corncob pipe or a cheap clay pipe to test strongly flavored tobaccos. sift through the reviews on the above link to make a list of tobaccos you want to try, otherwise use reviews from this site. I personally like many of mcclellands' blends. I think pstlpkr did a review of macbarens seven seas blends worth reading.
best of luck!



Might Stick Around
Sep 26, 2010
Thanks for all the replies ((thus far)) ^_^ and the great links. I'm going to have to spend some of my evenings off reading through them. As it stands tonight though I should go to bed before I become too engrossed in the pipeness and end up awake till 3am. I am working a 12 hour shift tomorrow >.



Might Stick Around
Sep 25, 2010
wow I'm doing exactly that. Tomorrow is going to suck, but sleep doesn't come to the willing.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
In managing my pipe shop I heard it a thousand times. "I'm not sure I'll like a pipe, so I don't want to spend much on my first one." This is understandable. The problem is that by buying the cheapest thing they can find the would be pipe smoker almost "guarantees" he won't like it. Catch 22.
All pipes are not created equal and the fact is the pipe can make as much difference in the quality of a smoke as the tobacco smoked in it. Try to convince a newbie of this and they'll look at you like your nuts or something. If you trying to sell them a good first pipe likely as not they'll think you're just trying to make more money off them, when actually your trying get them off on the right foot.
You don't have to spend a fortune on your first pipe but you should make it a reasonable quality pipe. I used to recommend a Savinelli to my first time buyers. Not because I think Savinelli is the best, but because they would accept those little balsa filters (absorbers would be a better word). What's good about that is that if the person only has one pipe and is smoking it over and over he can "freshen" it by changing the balsa. It's not as good as "resting" the pipe for a few days, but it works pretty well.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
I have to agree with Searock's premise about not buying the cheapest pipe out there.

One can hardly go wrong with a Peterson System Standard, a Stanwell or Savinelli in the $75 range. I prefer the Peterson myself, but then I would (I run the Peterson group on another forum).

As for not inhaling, slowly draw the smoke into your mouth using only your tongue keeping the back of your mouth blocked with your tongue and then exhale. That will keep you from inhaling.



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
spacecowboy, that is a good site. I read the reviews often. And yes, you will enjoy smoking a pipe if you have a good pipe to smoke. Kinda like driving a ford pinto and a corvette. You will more than likely enjoy driving the Corvette over the pinto. Cost a "little" more but worth it. Welcome to the site and dig deep while here, lots of good info about tobacco and pipes. I come here often.

May 19, 2010
searock I couldn't agree with you more. Luckily I let myself be talked into a nice Savinelli for my first pipe and been thankful ever since.
I know red was oogling a Stanwell Hans Christian Andersen dual stem at the pipe shop. Seems like it may be a good fit as she has enjoyed my churchwardens so far.
Chuck what would you recommend as a good first Peterson for her. I am just getting to know the Peterson brand and would love to know your opinion.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
I'd start her out on something small. She can alwaws go to some of the bigger pipes later if she likes them.

I'd recommend a 303, 317 or a 314.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
chuckw said "I'd start her out on something small. She can alwaws go to some of the bigger pipes later if she likes them." That sounds reasonable, however I would make sure the bowl has a bore of at least 3/4 inches or else it can be hard to keep lit.



Can't Leave
Jun 18, 2010
Hi Reddazes, welcome aboard, may I offer two pieces of advice that I think will help you along your way. One, learn how to pack and light your pipe, that means everything in the world to pipe smoking. Second, keep your pipe clean, inside and out. If you do those two things, I can garantee the first time you go out and smoke in public, some one will come by and say how good you pipe smells, and how nice your pipe looks. Hope this helps you. The two links that the colonel and pstlpkr left for you are excellent, I have read both of them many times. And I will read them again.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Welcome reddazes.
Don't stress out trying to get it right. It's trial and error. There's lots of great info here, but it all boils down to the individual and a few simple rules. Don't pack it too tight or too loose. If you are puffing too hard, your tongue will hurt. :) After that it's up to you.
I sympathize with explodingpenguin on the pipe-ghosting issue. If he smokes nothing but Virginias or Englishes then finding his pipe full of hazelnut will be very... distressing. Myself, I love the aromatics so don't have those hangups. If your tastes differ that much, just get your own pipes and everyone's happy.
Happy puffin'



Mar 9, 2010
Welcome to the site Red! Just sit back and enjoy learning the details of pipe smoking. As Chuck says you just can't go wrong with a decent Peterson. Yes I AM biased!!! I have a lot and want more!!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 14, 2010
i would kill a man KILL A MAN for a peterson 307. if it's good enough for stevie ray, it's just fine for me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
Peterson is a very popular brand, they sell like hotcakes on the estate pipe market. I only have one, a 03S. It's comfortable and smokes well.

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