First Pipe as a Dad

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
On Friday, September 29 at 1:04pm, I earned the title of "dad" for the first time as my daughter was born. She's eating well and sleeping well, and her mother and I are head-over-heels swooning over her.
My work was kind enough to give me two weeks of paternity leave, and that's been so helpful because my wife delivered via C-section and frankly her recovery needs have been almost more demanding than the baby's. I'm doing most of the movement in the house while my wife recovers in bed, so that means I'm the primary diaper changer, swaddler, soother, errand runner, and gopher for both girls. It's a joy to serve them in this way, especially because my wife and I believe strongly in sharing equally the duties of parenting.
With that said, as you can imagine, the action has been non-stop and I've felt pretty cooped up during this first week with a newborn. That means it's been hard enough to find time to shave and shower, let alone kick back and enjoy a pipe. So it's been a while.
Earlier today, the baby was had just gone down for a milk-drunk nap and my wife was relaxed and not in need of any assistance. She encourage me to take a break. So I grabbed a pipe with a smaller bowl to be efficient with time, my BriarWorks prince. Wanting something extra fragrant to bring me back into the fold, I filled it with Tashkent from LJ Peretti. I went outside and smoked for half an hour or so. The breeze felt fresh on my skin and the smoke tasted nothing short of sublime.
I came inside and cleaned myself off more thoroughly than usual so as not to pass any fumes to the newborn: washing my hands all the way up to my elbows, cleaning my face, and changing my clothes from top to bottom. Just as I finished I heard a cry; it was diaper changing time again. And now that I was recharged from a little solo time, I was so happy to report for duty.



Sep 14, 2015
Congratulations on your new job. Sounds like the ladies are lucky to have you. Enjoy those smokes, good sir! :clap:



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
First of all, welcome to fatherhood. Second of all, welcome to fatherhood. The former is the introduction to the magic of having a new baby; the latter is that babies DO control your life.
That's what one of our older members PMed me when I became a dad. Congratulations Michael! My son is going to be 2 years old on 23rd of October, kids are amazing creatures, spend as much time as you can with her. By the way, I was born on 28th of September :)



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
Congratulations Michael, your life as you knew it is over....your new life is an open book that is full of new experiences and more love than you have ever imagined possible.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
I came inside and cleaned myself off more thoroughly than usual so as not to pass any fumes to the newborn: washing my hands all the way up to my elbows, cleaning my face, and changing my clothes from top to bottom. Just as I finished I heard a cry; it was diaper changing time again.

I never could get over changing a full diaper but my kids survived my moderate second and third hand pipe and cigar smoke from day one with no issues. 8O



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Congratulations! We are part of an elite club you and I. My name is Michael as well AND I have a daughter AND she was born on September 29th as well!
Welcome to the best chapters of your life. There is nothing better, and nothing else even comes close.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 4, 2017
I was amazed how quickly my daughter got me twisted around that wee little finger.
my kids survived my moderate second and third hand pipe and cigar smoke from day one with no issues.
We avoided second-hand during the first couple months (and still avoid when not outdoors), but I couldn't help rolling my eyes when nurses warned me in the strongest terms of the dangers of third-hand smoke. The first time I encountered the term, I was reminded of a mother I knew once who would take a scented candle outside with her when she had a cigarette to avoid exposing her kids to the fumes when she went back inside.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
you have to be kidding
Nope, OP if your daughter is named Elise and you have an O+ blood type it's going to be awkward around here.
Also some veteran advice (ok well I've only been a parent for 3 years); it's important for both you and mom to take breaks, or you will burn out. Try to find a few minutes a day to talk about things other than your baby. It will help you stay focused.
PM will need a parenting forum soon



Oct 20, 2010
Michael, bring your wife and daughter to the CPCC Christmas party! Wait. That might not be my best suggestion. Congrats.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 18, 2017
Did you buy some tins from this year (her birth year) to cellar?



Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2016
Congratulations! It will be the best of times and quite frankly you will have moments when it will be the worst of times. You will get through it. I have an 11 year old and a 1.5 year old. It has been tough going back through the early stages again but I still wouldn't trade it for anything. It is quite a roller coaster, but no better challenge could be created. Good luck and don't be shy about leaning on others for help.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 7, 2017
Congrats on parenthood!!! Maybe the young one will get into piping with ya when older (hopefully not now).



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
Thanks so much, everyone! Haven't made it outside for a second pipe yet since the baby's birth, but that's mostly because the rare free windows of time seem to be coming all during periods of rain. :roll:
txpiper07, that's a great idea to cellar some tins. If I had infinite resources I'd buy 18 tins of the same blend, and then open one on each of her birthdays. What blend do you think would be most appropriate for celebrating a daughter's birth annually?
mikethompson, crazy coincidences! My daughter's name is Phoebe though, and I don't know my blood type. Still awesome though.

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